Friday, January 27, 2017

Comparing Divisions

It is interesting to note how different gourd classification charts identify different categories such the one made by Carolyn Rushton (seen below) where the gourds are named by shape or original purpose (?).

However the charts made by Dan Dunkin shown in the January 23 post, divides gourds into three broad categories then identifies subcategories. For example, one chart is Long Gourds and had 12 types of long gourds. Compare this to the Rushton chart which includes 3 long gourds along with others. Compare these two ways of considering divisions to the chart provided by Timothy Moyers which includes more long gourds than the Rushton chart but keeps the one-chart concept instead of 3 pages.

As stated in the January 23 post, Dan Dunkin's chart on the Alabama Gourd Society's website (although colorful and informative) seems to have some inconsistencies: there are long gourds on the small/bushel page, and pinched-in bottle type gourds on the small/bushel page when they should be on the bottle gourd page?

Image result for gourd chart      Image result for gourd chart    Image result for gourd chart

A blending of the Rushton, Moyers, and Dunkin charts would be the Michigan Gourd Society's chart that incorporates color but seems to visually divide the gourds into 3 groups: long, bottle-necked, and bulbous.

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